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Sunday, April 23, 2017

Thesocratespot: Exodus I Exile I Apodemialgia : AAUW : Chapter: CVIII : Dogmane

thesocratespot: thesocratespot: Days of Bi Polarity : thesocratesp...: thesocratespot: Days of Bi Polarity : thesocratespot: AAUW : Chapt... : Daniel was sitting inside Annie's hospital room, all was quiet ...

Daniel Was surfing a topic that Annie's Doctor had referred to when enquired about her condition and the causes : Below is the web page Daniel was reading, also highlighted way below is one of the conditions that the docs attending to Annie were discussing - 

apo-, ap-, aph-
(Greek: from, away from, asunder, separate, separation from, derived from)

apocentric (adjective), more apocentric, most apocentric
A reference to the point on any orbit farthest from the center of attraction.
apocope (s) (noun), apocopes (pl)
The loss or omission of one or more syllables from the end of a word; for example, the shortening of "kind of" to "kinda".
apocrine (adjective), more apocrine, most apocrine
A reference to producing a secretion that involves breaking off of the part of the cytoplasm of the secreting cells above the nucleus; produced by an apocrine gland.
apocrine gland (s) (noun), apocrine glands (pl)
Any of the large sweat glands that produce both a fluid and a secretion.
Apocrine glands are restricted in men to hairy regions of the body, and are lined by a single layer of tall columnar cells with acidophile cytoplasm (thriving in a relatively acid environment).
Apocryphalist (s) (noun), Apocryphalists (pl)
Anyone who believes in, or who defends, the Apocrypha; that is, the biblical books included in the Vulgate and accepted in the Roman Catholic and Orthodox canon but considered non-canonical or an unacceptable rule by Protestants because they are not part of the Hebrew Scriptures.
apocynum (s) (noun), apocynums (pl)
A genus of chiefly American perennial herbs of the dogbane family (Apocynaceae) with opposite leaves and small white or pink flowers comprising the dogbanes of which several are the source of substances with physiological activity resembling digitalis.
Dogbanes are perennial herbaceous plants, with poisonous milky juice, bearing slender pods in pairs; said to be poisonous to dogs.
apodactylic (adjective), more apodactylic, most apodactylic
A reference to being incapable of using one's fingers.
apodemialgia (s) (noun), apodemialgias (pl)
Wanderlust; longing to get away from home or to travel; a painful desire to get away. The opposite of nostalgia.
apodictic (adjective), more apodictic, most apodictic

A kind of argument in which someone presents his or her reasoning as categorically true; even if it is not necessarily so: Since Robert didn't consider several aspects of the computer program, he should not have made so many apodictic statements about the reliability of the usage of the system which he was presenting.

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apodosis (s) (noun), apodoses (pl)
1. The main clause of a conditional sentence: "The clause, 'The game will be canceled' is the apodosis in the sentence, 'The game will be canceled if it rains.' "
2. The consequent clause or conclusion in a conditional sentence, expressing the result, and thus distinguished from the protasis or clause which expresses a condition; therefore, in the sentence, "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him", the former clause is the protasis, and the latter the apodosis.
3. Etymology: from Late Latin, from Greek, from apodidonai, "to give back"; apo-, "from" + didonai, "to give".
apodysis (s), apodyses (pl) (noun forms)
1. The act of disrobing as an expression of exhibitionism. 
2. The act or habit of mentally undressing a person or fantasizing about what that person looks like naked.
apogee (s), apogees (pl) (noun forms)
1. The point at which a satellite orbiting an astronomical object is farthest from the center of the object being orbited.
2. The points in the orbits of the moon, or of an artificial satellite, that are most distant from the center of the earth.
3. The point in an orbit that are most distant from the body being orbited.
4. The farthest, or highest, point; a culmination.
apogeotropic (adjective)
Characterized by the response by an organism of turning away from the earth; such as, plant stems and leaves that grow upward.
apogeotropism (s) (noun), apogeotropisms (pl)
The growth or orientation certain plants away from the earth; negative geotropism.
apogeotropy (s) (noun), apogeotropies (pl)
The tendency of leaves or other parts of a plant to turn upward or away for the earth; negative geotropism.