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Sunday, August 18, 2013

LIX Coleridge, Christabel and the spell ( Montevideo contd.)

The problem with the human mind is that it’s an animal, caged, convented, nunned, inquisitioned,   with its own internal mind, a living being, independent of the body. That it lives on. It’s like this beast, that used to live a billion years ago, domesticated.

How domesticated is a quotient, that’s always open for debate.

In fact it, the human mind, could be a combination of several different minds, several different beasts, living on layers upon layers upon layers upon layers of several different minds, blogs, formed during several different time zones, in several different space zones – with unknown triggers.   

So one can say that the potential of a human has no limits – but the fact that it could swing and really, really, swing - way beyond control and in directions not predictable – is a factor that Statistics, Standard Deviation and the very best of forecasting techniques can hardly predict – the fact that it’s beyond the predictable sciences even beyond the science of equity, finance and economics is the saddest part – human mind can create great, wealth, great empires, great innovations and then take a dive into fathoms so deeply irrevocable.


There’s nothing called
eternal sunshine.

But there’s always
Something called
Eternal darkness

Moon is but just a mirage.

There’s always,

The eternally

The eternally

All contained
Well within -


So looking at it from that perspective, the masters of Phenomenology like Husserl or earlier thinkers like Kant seem like the ones who simply managed to build Philosophy’s kindergarten rhymes and the fairy tales meant for budding babies – Snow white and the 7 Dwarfs or Jack and the Bean Stalk or maybe we could even bring in Coleridge and say Christabel –

Beneath the lamp the lady bowed,
And slowly rolled her eyes around;
Then drawing in her breath aloud,
Like one that shuddered, she unbound
The cincture from beneath her breast:
Her silken robe, and inner vest,
Dropt to her feet, and full in view,
Behold! her bosom, and half her side—
A sight to dream of, not to tell!
O shield her! shield sweet Christabel!

Yet Geraldine nor speaks nor stirs;
Ah! what a stricken look was hers!
Deep from within she seems half-way
To lift some weight with sick assay,
And eyes the maid and seeks delay;
Then suddenly as one defied
Collects herself in scorn and pride,
And lay down by the Maiden's side!—
And in her arms the maid she took,
   Ah wel-a-day!
And with low voice and doleful look
   These words did say:
'In the touch of this bosom there worketh a spell,
Which is lord of thy utterance, Christabel!

Even the existentialists for that matter, just left out what was the most challenging part of Philosophy – that area between nature and the human mind that will always remain one step outside even the most powerfully futuristic super computing solution – the fact that we cannot ever stop a tsunami, a Cyclone, a Volcano or a simple flood.

We can predict. We cannot stop.

Or for that matter cannot ever predict the raise and the fall of human intelligence.

It’s a cycle that’s full of unknown triggers that in turn, may have their own triggers.

Unknown to each other.

The triggers themselves are deaf, blind and moving beyond the speed of light and the possibility of they colliding with something totally unknown is - is very real.

And what that collision could result in – is what is the definition of chance.

If at all one has any such definition.           

One can take even the most perfect – human mind - which’s doubtful if it exists - it comes with its own copper winding , its own deep rooted sense of life, its own issues, its own cracks, its own history, its own relations with its own self – through volcanoes, earthquakes, fires - bloody battles and horrors.

It’s never - even before birth – a stable chemical element.

The very fact that a human mind is born with a huge number of elements that’s pre-loaded, pre coded is in itself a problem – ‘coz we, as we, evolve, have been trying to recode, reload.

How much that works. Is nobody’s guess.  

Engineers of Computer software talk about soft code and hard code. But the problem is often times soft codes can corrupt hard codes and at times hard code can spring surprises.    

This is so since the human mind is also a huge suction pump of unknown codes from one’s life  – if you are born with some pre coded stuff like your colour, your height, your face, your shape, even your fucking walk, and voice, your eyes and your hair – are pre coded. And one has no choice. And then comes other issues – like you don’t want to belong to the tribe you were born into, or you want to become a new something.

Something triggers something. And then something emerges. That needs a certain sense of governance , certain discipline, control, direction and most of all culture – but even when a human has perfected the art of managing the beast within – something completely unknown , something from the neumenaic side, as Kant would call it, either shocks you or surprises you or simply catches you completely unprepared.    

A desired result ? good. But what if something else was lurking behind ? something undesirable ? yet unstoppable ?       

 And it may not be just something historical or something to do with chance, fate and destiny that that sperm met that egg and that egg responded and then triggered a life – crazy math.

deep, dark phenomenological ? not really .  

Mind, its exuberance and its decadence, the fact that it’s a hapless slave of time, you are what you feel now, bur what you feel now, could be a result so  many multiple factors, including those that occurred in your life a few hundred years ago, your DNA, esp. the ones that happen exactly when your parental sperms form you as an egg, in an alien womb, about which you’ve your own doubts.

That’s the mystique of Annie’s mind. And, coincidentally it was also the mystique of Danny’s mind.  

They were both tangoing inside the Montevideo night club.

Bar Fun Fun.

And they were experiencing feelings that they had not, before. That they had never.

Call it fear, call it restlessness call it playing safe – they tried a number of unknown, unknown, strangers as partners to dance – they were both quite accomplished with tango –but kept returning into their own arms. Their own space.

The more they came back, the more they wanted to recoil and disappear from each others arms.

And the tension that such an emotion created was clearly not helping things from moving forward. Towards more decisiveness. And the thing was both knew.

Very clearly, what was going on.

So one would come close and then step back, the other would smile at the whole feeling and come closer and then the other would roll away.

Soon, both were looking to get away from each other, they were afraid they would end up doing what they somehow, without saying to each other, always avoided.


It was all around.

But neither Annie nor Daniel was ready.

Luckily for them. The DJ announced an hour of dancing with masks. And the masks were being made available at a counter where one could choose at random.

That was when they got lost. The light was dimmed, all human bodies looked like dark animals. No one knew who was who.

Even in such abstractness, the two knew each other’s co-ordinates, like wireless radars, but they chose to get lost.  
Into no man’s land.

Annie was on her own, so was Danny.

That’s when Daniel found his mobile ringing, vibrating, he saw the call was from Annie’s mobile when he picked up it was not Annie, it sounded like the night club security wing – they asked him if he knew her, he said yes.

They asked him to come over to a rest room facility on the next floor. Daniel rushed.

Annie, was lying almost naked. She had passed out. Daniel wasn’t sure if she had removed her dress just to let her suffocation out or if she had come to a point were she simply wanted to be naked.


Things did not look good.

And she did not look very likely to come back into consciousness very soon.   

Daniel threw open his Reuters ID. Ordered an ambulance and soon they were rushing Annie through Emergency.

Daniel, himself was hardly conscious.

They had been on alcohol since a few hours now.

The world swirled.

Daniel passed out too.


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