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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

random bull

Im a stranger to myself, i half understand me while the other half keeps eluding me , like the dark side of the moon, you know 'it' exists, but chances are...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


ok, a confession is in the offing, probably 'mystic' does exist, but is mystic equivalent to 'God' ? ... is like unravelling the exact composition of a dark chocolate ...well some mysteries are structured in a way that no science may dare answer with exactitude... but when it comes to talking spirituality, or faith or belief preferance is talking Physics ... and i remain an amusingly , amused 'yours faithfully' An Atheist...listen don't ask me to swear upon god ...hehehe...but I do believe Halle Berry used to be a goddess...and my wife ? she remains the eternal divine devil ...and the others ???....maybe sometime before i die you will know...

these wretched b'day's

why am i feeling so lonely tonite?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

on this strange thing called history

why's history so negative ? Or is it simply notional? Is it that the chroniclers of History just do not think that the good parts of history should get their due ? hmmm maybe its something to do with human social psyche ...bad times are more memorable than good times !!! So bet...ween good and bad, good is forgotten ...bad is always fresh ?? maybe ...

Monday, August 31, 2009

These posts of mine ...

For long i was using my Orkut scrapbook as my blog , i used to write scrap for myself!! I even scrapped my replies to friends on my own scrapbook!! Forcing them to visit my book and read more scrapwritten by me !!! Most of the posts that you see with dateline today are a selection from those ...hehehe...
We are a little battle scarred , edgy and irritating at times ...oh yeah we have added one more small crease to our foreheads...but, nevertheless there are are smiles slowly emerging...we are now once again set to sail as far and deep as the ocean can take us ...

soul talk

hmm...OK ! it seems so long since the 'avantgarde' magazine episode ...its a long story... i was shattered for a while ...just for a while ...also had to combat a massive depression both mental as well as a sudden change in my agency's fortunes ( we had 5 out of the Six clients we had , turning bust!!! ) robust seven year old boat that was the bread, butter , jam and beer for a few score people suddenly seemed to be snared up without a semblance of forewarning...8 months ...we were clutched (like pirates hanging onto a near wrecked ship) ...we lost a few die hard loyalists ...and parting wasn't the most pleasant ...probably it finally had to happen we seem to have once again reason to breath a little more easy ...and my boat 'Higgs' life ...its back on sail!!!


each nano thought emerges like a flash ...and chasing right behind comes another flash, one flash nullifying the other ( its like one part of the mind intent to kill the other part) ...every little thought particle seems to be in a race cars on a frenzied F1 track ! Traveling @ speed of an atom ...just imagine several such atoms traveling, buzzing,slashing one against the other right here inside your mind ... ???? its a feeling thats best described as somewhere in between a feeling of disgust , nausea and an overbearing sense of the melodramatic !!! ( I smile , to myself) and say good morning! hehehehe... unlike my mind , i am glad to be a more simplified soul!Hi there all !

3AM ( i become the silence)

3am , sipping hot green tea, wondering what the world is upto all its pre dawn serenity there seems a lurking underbelly of sinister plots and sub plots ...while i cozy up ( like a smiling foetus)... a myriad thoughts seem to rapidly criss cross my wide awake mind , in complete contrast to the stillness outside...


Hi there folks ! Long time since i scratched out some of my lousy thoughts with you all ....while i often think that my horribly boring entries in my blog has some kinda browser value i do not know why i also suffer from this equally horrible feeling that i am somehow the only occupant of this place really ! And all i am doing is talking to m y own stupid self!!! heeehehe! though under a convenient illusion that is contrary !! hmmmm

my bed

Maybe the problem lies with me ... let me see .. can i make a difference ... ???maybe ... let me godnight u with a small poem ...?? i know u hate them ... bcoz u often dont understand them ...i confess i am what you are ... !! I dont understand them too... its so much pain creating them ... so here's mine ... Its just a simple tribute to my "bed" ... i sleep in it ... i am cursed by it... too ... it holds too much of me ... Bed This is an epiphany .

Ah! You too brutus ?
Thought , you were the only One .
Completely lost of all mystic.

Like breath ,
you are taken to be a part of the eternal rest .

Flat As flesh baked by sweat .


You and your wobbly
womb shaped partner
have been the stoic seer and concubines
for a whole somnambulistic civilization - no less.

Unwilly mother courage
Always giving
Always available
Always in total silence
sacking Up every night
At home
in war
In aids
In pain
In fever
soaked in wild passion .
We Weary ,
or the night after,

Rest for all .

Bearing the snores
of a brute
fantasizing an orgy
Not always sexy
Of Seduction ,
mass murderers
Or Me.
my bed .

Sriram Notes : Inspired by an article by B.K. Karanjia [ Sunday Chronicle 14th Jul’07 / Hyd. ]

post scrap cancel

Monday, August 24, 2009

me, the intern

43 and still drifting, lobbing and bobbing along a river that was turbulent in the days of yore .